2022 Ride for Health Project – 騎單車健康項目
近期華人醫務咨詢中心從River & Canal Trust 組織的恊助和支持中心騎單車活動。從今年9月我們連續組織了多次不同地點的騎單連活動;這包括了Boggart Hole Clough 花園和Wythenshawe 花園傍的運動塲跑道,Ancoat 區的Rochdale 運河拖道 。這些活動帶動了曼城周邊和東昇房的長者平時不太活動的華人長者積極參加。有些人從未有機會騎單車或几十年都無騎過單車。除了亨受騎單車帶來的樂趣,增加話動力又可認識新朋友,與人傾談,十分之開心。
此外,這項活動也吸引了一群從香港新移民過來的家長帶著積極參予騎單活動。從他們臉上的笑容和給中心的回饋便知道這是一項好有價值的話動。多謝River & Canal Trust 的Sara Pointing 的支持。
The Chinese Health Information Centre recently started a new Ride Health project in partnership with River & Canal Trust. Since September this year we have organised a number of rides in different locations; including the athletic track at Boggart Hole Clough Park, Wythenshawe Park, and the Rochdale Canal Tow Path in Ancoats. These activities led to the active participation of Older Chinese People who are not usually very active in the surrounding areas of Greater Manchester. Some people have never had the opportunity to ride a bike or have not ridden a bike in decades. In addition to enjoying the fun of riding a bicycle, the Chinese Older People can be empowered to meet new friends and chat with new people. In addition, these activities have also attracted a group of parents who came from Hong Kong to take an active part in the cycling activities. From the smiles on their faces and the feedback they given to the CHIC, it has been proven to be good and worthwhile to do. Thanks to Sara Pointing of River & Canal Trust for her support in these activities.
Testimony – 分享

“It is also fun to ride a bicycle, stretch the bones of the feet and exercise to strengthen the body”.
Mrs Lee

Mrs Chan
“Thank you for organizing this outdoor activity, I have met some old friends, exercised my body and have a wonderful day!”

“Thank you, you took me on a bicycle for the first time in my life. I never thought about riding a bicycle before. I was afraid of falling. Although I am riding a tricycle now, I hope that one day I will ride a two-wheeled bicycle and walk with you. , thank you 🙏 ”.
Mrs Shing

“Cycling can help you lose weight, reduce stress, and keep your body agile. It is a good physical and mental exercise. I learned that CHIC has a cycling activity, of course I want to participate. It has been 40 years since I rode on a bike. Now, in a beautiful environment, riding a bicycle is really good and relaxing. After joining twice , my feeling is coming back. I can have picnic and chat with everyone. It’s a beautiful day. Thank you Ms Lam (Shirley) for starting up so many activities for us, giving us an opportunity to meet new friends. Have a healthy and happy time, thank you🙏🏿 “.
Mrs Poon
“多謝林姑娘提供騎單車這活動呀,對於我個人已超過40年都無騎過單車的人的確提供咗健康既活動 😊”.
“Thank you Miss Lam(Shirley)for providing this activity of cycling. It is indeed a healthy activity for me who has not ridden a bicycle for more than 40 years 😊”.
Faye Poon
Faye Poon