Drop-in Services

Drop In Srevice

From Monday to Friday, 9:30am – 4:30pm. This service helps people to deal with all sorts of health matters including registering with a GP, assisting in filling in GP application and health questionnaire forms, making hospital /GP/choose & book appointments, explaining hospital letters/diagnostic procedures, signpost to relevant health agencies such as NHS Walk-in Centre, A&E, pharmacies and NHS Direct etc, liaise with health professionals to arrange interpreting for patients and assist in filling in forms.



此項服務幫助到訪者處理各方面的健康事宜包括登記家庭醫生、填寫申請家庭醫生表格及醫院的健康問卷,與醫院、家庭醫生及NHS Choose & Book預約、解釋醫院信件及診斷性檢查資料、轉介去恰當健康部門如NHS 隨到診所、國民直線電話、急症室、藥房、與醫務聯絡安排傳譯員等等事項。

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