Carer’ Group for Autistic Children
We provide help and support to carers with autistic children. We also provide information about autistic children including health talks relating to the various aspects of autism. CHIC provides an ideal cultural platform for carers to share experience in their mother tongue so that they may encourage and support one another. The group meets once a month at 10am-12noon. For the date please contact CHIC 0161 228 0138 or please come to CHIC to obtain the time table
專幫助有自閉症孩子的照料者,小組提供有關照顧自閉症孩子各方面的資料包括專題講座並給予支援。同時也提供了一個符合文化的平台,照料者可用自已的言語彼此交流和互相鼓勵。這小組每月一次在早上10至12時正,日期不定,請致電0161 228 0138查詢或到中心索取一份時間表。