Archives - 文章归档 May 2010


Hypertension & Diabetes Awareness Day

Category: Health Day Events | Author: Shirley He

On 25th May, CHIC held a whole day health event at the Manchester Christian Church. The main aim was to raise awareness and increase the knowledge of high blood pressure and diabetes among the Chinese population in Manchester. The morning session started with free health checks (including BMI check and blood sugar test, one to one medical consultation and Tai Chi demonstration. Healthy food stall and health information stall were provided as well.

Hypertension & Diabetes Awareness Day

The afternoon session started with the main speaker Dr. Roy Lie who used Cantonese to explain the causes, signs and symptoms, treatment and care management of hypertension and diabetes. The importance of reducing the risk factors such as giving up smoking, having sensible drinking, taking healthy balance diet and avoiding high cholesterol food, having regular exercise were stressed. The day event attracted a large audience that in total 80 people attended, among whom 24 people came from the Wai Kwan Chinese Women Society from Bangor, North Wales. The success of the day event we had to thank all the volunteer health professionals and members from the local community in particularly to Dr. Roy Lie, Dr. Lina Gan, Nurse Chan for their valuable time; without their support we could not have such a wonderful day!

Hypertension & Diabetes Awareness Day


Cholesterol and CHD

Category: Community Health Talk | Author: Shirley He

Cholesterol and CHD health talk was held on 17th May 2010 at CHIC. It was given by Shirley He, Nurse Operations Manager to a group of service users in the Medical Class. The importance to avoid fatty food, eat less sugar and salt were stressed. Doing more exercise such as regular walking and Tai Chi and adopting healthy life style were encouraged. The signs and symptoms, risk factors of CHD were explained. Information about high cholesterol, high blood pressure and healthy diet were given.

Cholesterol and CHD


Sum Yin Chinese Women Society Health Day

Category: Health Day Events | Author: Shirley He

Sum Yin Chinese Women Society Health Day on 11th May 2010, Shirley He was invited to be the main speaker to deliver “Stroke Awareness and Bowel Awareness & NHS Bowel Screening Programme 45 people attended.

Sum Yin Chinese Women Society Health Day


Day Trip to Oxford for the Older People Aged 65+

Category: Older People Activities, Walking to Health | Author: Shirley He

Day Trip to Oxford for the Older People Aged 65+ on 4th May 2010, 50 people took part.

Day Trip to Oxford

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