29th March 2015 ‘Arthritis’ health talk was given in Cantonese by Mr. Danny Tang Consultant of Orthopaedic Surgeon at the Little Yang Sing Restaurant. 25 people from the local Chinese community attended.

Heaton Country Walk Park on 24th March 2015, 33 people took part.
2015年3月24日-希頓公園健康步行, 一共有33人參加。

24th March 2015 ‘Stroke and hypertension’ health talk was given in Cantonese by Shirley he at the New Emperor restaurant. 33 people attended.

16th March 2015 health talk, “Transition, Stress and Anxiety” – How can you support your child with autism to deal with life?
2015年3月16日家長座談會: 主題為「過渡期、壓力和憂慮 –如何幫助自閉症孩子應付生活?」共有11位家長出席。