Archives - 文章归档 February 2012



Category: Community Health Talk | Author: Shirley He

This health talk was given in Cantonese by Shirley He. She explained the causes, signs and symptoms, treatment and prevention of influenza. She explained the importance of taking plenty of rest, drinking plenty of fluids and taking appropriate medication to relieve symptoms including fever, headaches, coughs and running nose. Shirley encouraged audience to keep a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise.

2013年2月19日‘流感’健康講座中心舉辦了“流感”講座。是日,由林姑娘用廣東話講解一般的 “流感”症狀及護理。如有感冒應要多休息、應恰當服用退炎及止痛丸以舒緩症狀。她並鼓勵聽眾多做運動及有一個健康生活方式。



Diabetes Awareness

Category: Community Health Talk | Author: Shirley He

On 14th February 2012, CHIC hosted the “Diabetes Prevention Awareness” health talk. Shirley He, the Nurse Operations Manager gave the talk in Cantonese, she explained the common signs and symptoms. of diabetes. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle and exercise were encouraged. Free health checks were also provided. Interestingly, 3 people were found to be overweight and were advised to see their GP. 24 people attended the talk.

What is Diabetes?

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