Alcohol & Drugs Education Awareness


Drugs Education Awareness

Category: Alcohol & Drugs Education Awareness | Author: Shirley He

Drugs Education Awareness Session on Sunday, 15th February 2009 at the KwokMan Restautant, Chinatown. Target group: Chinese Adults, parents and teachers of the Chinese Cultural Education Centre (CCEC).Total participants: 38

Tammy Chan, Drug project team worker delivered drugs history, why people use drugs to audience in Cantoneseon 15th February 2009 at the KwokMan Restaurant.

Drug Awareness Session

Martin Sham, Drug project team worker explaining the harms and effects of drugs in Cantonese on 15th February 2009 at the KwokMan Restaurant.

Drug Awareness Session

Eva Tsang, Drug project team worker delivered drugs history, why people use drugs to audience in Cantonese on 15th February 2009 at the KwokMan Restaurant.


Drug Awareness Session

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