In response respond to the World Mental Health Day (WMHD) campaign, CHIC held two separate workshops one of which was “Self- Management of Depression” workshop on the 15th October 2012. This workshop was aimed to provide information and support to understand how to self-manage depression. Shirley He gave the health talk in Cantonese. Group discussions were used as a tool to facilitate the workshop. 10 females and 1 male attended.
中心分別舉辦了兩項工作坊,其中一項於2012年10月15日在中心舉辦“自我處理抑鬱症”。此工作坊的目的是提供資料及支持及有關怎樣及自我處理抑鬱症。是日由林姑娘主講,她用廣東活來講解有關抑鬱症的原因、症狀及預防。並用小組討論的型式來推動聽眾參與,其效果非常之好。有1 位男仕及10位女仕參加。
On 8th October 2012, Diabetes Awareness Day was jointly organized by CHIC and Diabetes UK. This health day was aimed at the Chinese community to raise diabetes awareness and how to prevent it. We were honoured to have a team of diabetes specialist nurses from Wythenshawe hospital to give health talks on diabetes’ complications and healthy eating in English. Interpretation was provided by CHIC. This event was very successful, and has achieved the purpose of the event. This event was jointly organized by the British Diabetes Association, many thanks to the volunteers for their assistance.