‘Hepatitis B Awareness, health talk was given in English by Charlotte Bowen from the British Liver Trust of Manchester in Kwok Man Restaurant. She explained the causes, signs and symptoms, and the routes of preventing Hepatitis B such as avoiding sharing needles with others and having protecting sex. She also explained the importance of being vaccinated to prevent being infected with Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Shirley He interpreted for the audience in Cantonese. In total 51 people attended; among whom 39(76%) females and 12(24%) males attended.
中心在國民酒樓舉辦一項“乙型肝炎認知”講座。是日由曼城英國肝臟信託工負莎樂-寶雲用英語講解乙型肝炎的原因、症狀、傳染渠道及預防方法包括避免與人共用針筒及採取安全性行為。莎樂-寶雲鼓勵注射乙型肝炎疫苗可預防被感染乙型肝炎。由中心林姑娘為聽眾用廣東話傳譯。有12 (24%)位男仕及39 (76%)位女仕,共51人參加參加這次的講座。