On October 8, 2024, the CHIC Carer Support Group had a wonderful time together. They enjoyed chatting, laughing, and sharing life experiences.
Enjoy chatting and laughing
There was even an opportunity to relax by singing karaoke.
The group also had fun with a cooking demonstration by Joanne Yeung, where they tasted delicious pumpkin soup and sweet-and-sour spare ribs!
The group had a wonderful time
9th June 2015 “The lens of people with autism” given by Dr Samantha Todd (Principal Clinical Psychologist of Clinical Service for Children with Disabilities, The Winnicott Centre)
「自閉症人士的觀點與角度」是次家長會有曼城皇家醫院的 Samantha Todd心理學博士來講。
Eureka Super Club on 03/05/2015
26 people took part including 11 parents and 15 children among whom 7 were children with autism.
2015年5月3 日, 參觀Eureka兒童博物館, 共11位家長及15位兒童,其中7位有自閉症。
16th March 2015 health talk, “Transition, Stress and Anxiety” – How can you support your child with autism to deal with life?
2015年3月16日家長座談會: 主題為「過渡期、壓力和憂慮 –如何幫助自閉症孩子應付生活?」共有11位家長出席。
2nd February 2015 The emotion of people with autism given by Dr. Tina Tang.