‘Risk of Coronary Heart Disease’ was given in English by Dr. Kwok See (GP) on the 26th May 2011at Little Yang Sing Restaurant. The information of the signs and symptoms, causes, risk factors, treatment of and prevention of coronary heart disease were well explained. Shirley He provided instant interpreting service. The talk was well received by 61 people from the local Chinese community.
12th May 2011, “Stroke awareness and its prevention health talk was given by Dr. Lee Chi Nam Neurologist from Hong Kong at the Little Yang Sing Restaurant. 40 people attended.
7th May 2011-Heaton Park Health Walk including visiting the Animal Farm Centre. In total 22 people took part of which 8 mothers and 10 children and 4 workers.
Day Trip For Older People over 65+ to Gwynedd, North Wales on 3rd May 2011. 55 people took part.