Smoking and Dementia Workshop
Category: Health Day Events, Health Promotion Activities | Author: Shirley He
CHIC in cooperation with Chinese National Healthy Living Centre held a ‘Smoking and Dementia Awareness’ health day in Yang Sing Restaurant. The aim of the event was to raise awareness Smoking and Dementia awareness among the Chinese community in Manchester. The event started with a Tai Chi session followed by a health talk. Yan Hua Ou from CNHL spoke in Cantonese and explained in detail about causes, symptoms and management of dementia. She also explained the link between smoking and dementia and encouraged the audience to improve their lifestyle and diet to reduce the risk of dementia. Free health checks were offered to participants. Positive feedback was given and the participants were satisfied with the event.
中心與全國華人保健中心 (倫敦) 在大羊城樓合辦 ‘曼徹斯特華人吸煙和退智症’ 健康日。是日先從太極活動開始,接着全國華人保健中心-歐豔華用流利廣東話主講有關於退智症的原因、症狀及護理。她還解釋吸煙與退智症之間的關連,並鼓勵觀眾改善他們的生活方式和飲食習慣,以減少老退智症的風險。設有免費健康檢查給參與者。他們對今次的活動非常滿意。