Archives - 文章归档 March 2014


Hepatitis B Awareness Manchester Health Day

Category: Community Health Talk, Health Day Events | Author: Shirley He

The event was held in the Bank of East Asia (Manchester). The aim of the event was to raise hepatitis B awareness among the Chinese population in Manchester. The event started with a Tai Chi session, followed by the first speaker Dr. Alison Uriel from the Infectious Disease Department of North Manchester General Hospital gave a thorough explanation about the routes of HBV transmission and the important to get screened and vaccinated against HBV for people from the high risk group. Then Emily presented Hepatitis B-a silence killer. This was followed by Shirley He, the Nurse Operations Manager of CHIC, Shirley gave a presentation of the work of the Dragon Project which was carried out in 2012 in CHIC. 150 Chines people were tested for HBV and 9 were found HBsAg positive and they were all referred to hospital. Dr. Alison Uriel then talked about the treatment service and the care provided by the NHS. Lora Talbot who presented the work of the British Liver Trust to end the morning session. Free health checks were offered to participants. In total 46 people attended of whom 22 people participated in the Tai Chi, 17 people had health checks and. 1 was referred to see their GP. A Cantonese interpreter was used. The event was supported by BEA (Manchester), British Liver Trust, Little Yang Restaurant, KwokMan Restaurant and Tai Chi Master Li Ming and Gilead 2014年3

Hepatitis B Awareness Manchester Health Day

月31日曼城華人健康日: 提高對乙型肝炎的認識 是日在東亞銀行(曼城) 舉辦。由太極活動開始,接着第一位講員從北曼徹斯特綜合醫院的傳染科:艾莉森-如利奧醫生講及關於乙肝病毒傳播的途徑及強調高危群人口應接受篩檢和注射乙型肝炎疫苗。之後由林艾米莉分享乙型肝炎為之沉默殺手。林姑娘報導在2012年龍的計劃結果-有150人接受乙型肝炎的檢查, 其中9人被發現是乙型肝炎病毒者; 他們都被轉介見專科。接着艾莉森-如利奧醫生介紹NHS提供的治療服務和照顧。最后由羅娜-塔爾博特介紹英國肝臟信託的工作。下午有免費健康檢查給參與者。共46人出席 ;其中22人參加太極活動, 17人做健康檢查和一人被轉介見家庭醫 。這次活動有廣東話即時傳譯。並得到東亞銀行(曼城) ,小羊城餐廳,國民酒樓,太極宗師黎明及曼城英國肝臟信託鼎力支持。另外又得到傳媒的關注有無線電視衛星台從倫敦來採訪。

Hepatitis B Awareness Manchester Health Day

Hepatitis B Awareness Manchester Health Day


Community Organizing Event

Category: Community Organizing Project, Meet Your Local Councillor | Author: Shirley He

19 people from the local Chinese community had a meeting with Councillor Kevin Peel on 27th March 2014

Through the Community Organizing Project, CHIC organized a meeting for the 19 service users to meet Councillor Kevin peel with the help of an interpreter at CHIC on 27th March 2014. They have raised several issues including improving Chinatown’s environmental health, installing benches inside the Arndale Centre etc. Kevin acknowledged all their concerns and promised he would come back to them. It was reported that it was the first time these people have ever met a councillor.

2014年3月27月,透過組織社區活動計劃,並在傳譯者的協助下,中心安排了19位服務使用者與市政廳議員Kevin Peel首次會談, 他們向議員Kevin 提出多項問題包括要求:改善唐人街綠化環境、安置長櫈在市中心的商場內等。議員聆聽他們所提出的事項並答應會給他們回應。這些人報導從沒有與一位議員會談過。

Community Organizing Project


Dementia Awareness

Category: Community Health Talk, Older People Activities | Author: Shirley He

‘Dementia Awareness’ health talk was given in English by Lora Baron –Dementia Support Worker Manchester at Tung Sing Housing Association on 24th March 2014. Shirley He was the Cantonese interpreter. 10 people attended with interest. 2014年3月24日在東昇房屋協會舉辦“痴呆症的認知”健康講座,由曼城老人痴呆症支援員:羅娜.巴倫用英語講,有廣東話傳譯員提供, 一共有10人參加.


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