Archives - 文章归档 September 2012


Hepatitis C Training

Category: Community Health Talk | Author: Shirley He

Shabana Baig (Project Co-ordinator of Hepatitis C Support Project of Greater Manchester) and Stewart Moors delivered a “Hepatitis C” talk in English. Shabana explained the causes, signs and symptoms, treatment and prevention. She explained the importance of Hepatitis C screening and prevention which to avoid blood transfusions and contact with blood, and to not share needles or razors with others.

2012年9月14日,“丙型肝炎的認知” 培訓,共12位員工及義工們參加。是日由莎賓娜. 碧(大曼城區丙型肝炎支持計劃統籌員) 主講。她用英語講解有關丙型肝炎病的原因、症狀、治療及預防的重要性包括不要與人共用剃鬚刀、他人用過的針筒器材、避免輸血及避免接觸血液。她還強調測驗丙型炎的重要性。

17-11-2011 Hep C talk

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