Archives - 文章归档 November 2011



Category: Community Health Talk | Author: Shirley He

On 30th November 2011, the Chinese Health Information Centre (CHIC) held a health talk in Tung Sing Housing Association about ‘Osteoporosis’. Shirley He, the Nurse Operational Manager gave the talk in Cantonese. She explained the cause, signs and symptoms, treatment and prevention of osteoporosis in great detail. She stressed that prevention is better than treatment of osteoporosis. She encouraged the elderly to have a healthy diet (take foods that contain calcium) and do more exercise. She also demonstrated to the audience basic chair-based exercises. Overall 23 people attended the talk.



Hepatitis C

Category: Community Health Talk | Author: Shirley He

On 17th November 2011, the Chinese Health Information Centre (CHIC) held a health talk regarding Hepatitis C in Kwok Man Restaurant. Shabana Baig, a support project worker of Black Health Agency presented the talk in English. She gave a brief introduction of the disease, the causes, testing, treatment and prevention of Hepatitis C. She stressed the importance of Hepatitis C screening and prevention which included not sharing razor blades, to avoid sharing needles, avoid blood transfusions and in contact with blood. She also briefly introduced Hepatitis A and B. Shirley He, the Nurse Operation Manager of CHIC interpreted for the audience in fluent Cantonese. Overall 30 people attended the talk.

Hepatitis C

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