Manchester Support Forum on Monday, 30th June 2014 at 3:30pm at CHIC
This was the third time the group met together and was led by volunteers. The main aims were to provide support and information for people with HBV and liver diseases among the Chinese population in Manchester and the North West Region. The group is supported by Dr. Alison Uriel Consultant of the Infectious Disease in NMGH, the British Liver Trust Manchester and Your Tung Sing. 8 people attended the event. The group meets once a month.
於2014年舉辦第三次會議,由義工主持, 主要目的是給予有乙型肝炎或肝病患者支援和幫助. 這個小組得到曼城北區醫院肝病顧問醫好艾利森邱莉澳醫生及英國肝病信託的支持. 有8人參與今大會議.

Grow your own Vegetables
Trip to the Chorlton’s vegetable and fruits allotment on 26th June 2014
16 members from the local Chinese community participated with joy
16 位華人社區份子於2014年6月24日探訪分配在Chorlton區的蔬果園.


Sharing & Chatting

Listening, learning & absorbing

Exchanging Ideas
Walking To Health: Boggart Hole Clough Park on 24th June 2014 , 27 people took part.
It was a warm and dry day, a group of 27 people from the local Chinese community in Manchester was led by CHIC staff and volunteers to have a health walk to Boggart Hole Clough Park. The group thoroughly enjoyed the walk. Some of them were first time participants.
2014年6月24日:寶格山公園健康步行, 共27人參加.

This was meeting was facilitated by the Community Organizer Pollyanna Steiner and a Cantonese interpreter was used. The purpose of the forum group was to collect information from the members of the local Chinese community in Manchester in response to the issues raised with Councillor Peel. These issues include the parking limit in Chinatown, installing benches in the Arndale Centre and the Gardening project. This is to make preparations to meet Councillor Kevin Peel and his colleague from the High Way Department. 28 participants (7 male, 21 female) actively involved and gave their input.
2014年6月13日,在中心進行焦點小組商討會,由社區組織者-寶莉安娜主持並由一位廣東話傳譯員即場傳譯.主要目的是收集資料和意見關於改善唐人街泊車時間及泊車收費,在市中心的商場裡那裡安裝供人坐的長椅以及園藝計劃. 預備下次與市政府議員開時討論. 共有28人踴躍參加此項活動.

‘Home Safety’ health talk at Tung Sing Housing Association on 4th February 2014. 10 people attended