Manchester Support Forum on Monday, 30th June 2014 at 3:30pm at CHIC
This was the third time the group met together and was led by volunteers. The main aims were to provide support and information for people with HBV and liver diseases among the Chinese population in Manchester and the North West Region. The group is supported by Dr. Alison Uriel Consultant of the Infectious Disease in NMGH, the British Liver Trust Manchester and Your Tung Sing. 8 people attended the event. The group meets once a month.
於2014年舉辦第三次會議,由義工主持, 主要目的是給予有乙型肝炎或肝病患者支援和幫助. 這個小組得到曼城北區醫院肝病顧問醫好艾利森邱莉澳醫生及英國肝病信託的支持. 有8人參與今大會議.