Community Organizing Event
Category: Community Organizing Project, Meet Your Local Councillor | Author: Shirley He
19 people from the local Chinese community had a meeting with Councillor Kevin Peel on 27th March 2014
Through the Community Organizing Project, CHIC organized a meeting for the 19 service users to meet Councillor Kevin peel with the help of an interpreter at CHIC on 27th March 2014. They have raised several issues including improving Chinatown’s environmental health, installing benches inside the Arndale Centre etc. Kevin acknowledged all their concerns and promised he would come back to them. It was reported that it was the first time these people have ever met a councillor.
2014年3月27月,透過組織社區活動計劃,並在傳譯者的協助下,中心安排了19位服務使用者與市政廳議員Kevin Peel首次會談, 他們向議員Kevin 提出多項問題包括要求:改善唐人街綠化環境、安置長櫈在市中心的商場內等。議員聆聽他們所提出的事項並答應會給他們回應。這些人報導從沒有與一位議員會談過。