
Breast Awareness

Category: Community Health Talk | Author: Shirley He

On the evening of 5th October 2011, Breast Awareness health talk was held in Little Yang Sing Restaurant. Elinor Taylor and Marger from Breast Cancer Care were invited to present the talk in English and our centre’s manager Shirley He, interpreted for the audience. Elinor and Marge said that we should understand our normal breast changes for example before a period, our breasts change constantly so we should understand what is normal for us. They emphasized to look and feel for any changes of the breasts, e.g. any lumps, nipple changes its position or shape, discharge from nipples etc. They also explained the importance of eating a well-balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight, doing regular exercise and attend the Breast Screening Programme which may help us to reduce the risk of breast cancer. Overall 19 people (16 females and 3 males) attended the talk.

Breast Cancer Awareness


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