Litter Pick Action


Litter Pick in Chinatown Manchester

Category: Community Organizing Project, Litter Pick Action | Author: Shirley He

Love your community- Litter Pick in Chinatown Manchester on 30th May 2014

Through the support and partnership with Community Organizing Project. The service users of CHIC dressed up and wore gloves to pick up litter in Chinatown Manchester on 30-5-2014. The participants was glad to take part in such action and they were proud of themselves that they made contribution to their community.


透過與社區組織計劃合作,中心的長者們於2014年5日30日穿上清潔的服裝及戴上手套在曼城唐人街執垃圾, 這次行動令長者們感到自豪, 能為社區出力, 樂也融融.


Litter Pick in Chinatown Manchester

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