
Day Trip to Blackpool

Category: Older People Activities, Walking to Health | Author: Shirley He

A joint event between CHIC and Yours Tung Sing for the older people to go for a day trip to Blackpool. 98 people (including Yours Tung Sing residents, CHIC’s users and staff) took a walk around the central pier of Blackpool and later travelled to shop in Boundary Mill. Though it was a bit chilly, everyone enjoyed their trip.

這此是由華人醫務中心與‘您的東昇’房屋合作為長者安排了去黑池一天遊。總共有98人(包括東昇居民,中心使用者及工作人員)參加。他們沿著黑池的中央碼頭漫步行,沿途邊說邊笑,很開心。雖然天氣有點寒冷,下午去了一個商塲(Boundary Mill) 購物,每個人都很享受這一天遊。

Day Trip to Blackpool

Day Trip to Blackpool

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