Manchester Chinese Health Day
Promoting Diabetes Awareness on 15th September 2015
CHIC and Yours Tung Sing jointly organized the health day. The aim was to promote diabetes awareness among the Chinese population in Manchester. The day started off with chair based exercises. This was followed by the speeches of the chairman of CHIC Paul Yu who gave a warm welcome and Julie Pickford, the guest speaker from the Public Health of MCC. A series of health talks regarding various aspects of diabetes including ‘What is Diabetes’, ‘Diabetes complication’ ‘Diabetes and blood pressure’ and ‘Diabetes foot problems’ were presented in English by experienced health professionals from Diabetes UK(Stuart Vaughan) and Manchester Diabetes Centre (Nazia Masood). CHIC Nurse Operations Manager Shirley provided simultaneous interpretation for the audience. Free NHS health checks were offered by the health team of Public Health of MCC. The event was well supported by the Manchester City Council, Diabetes UK, Manchester Diabetes Centre and Fall Prevention Service, Yang Sing restaurant and a team of CHIC volunteers.
In total 60 people attended (43 (72%) females and 17 (28%) males). 33(55%) attendants came from Manchester areas, 22(37%) came from Greater Manchester areas and 5(8%) attendants did not provide their details.
In addition 20(44%) people accepted the NHS health checks,16(32%) people accepted the diabetes risk assessment and 16(32%)people had their height, weight and blood pressure taken. People have been identified to have elevated blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure were referred to see GP and appropriate healthy diet information was given.
The feedback from the community was very positive and reported that they had learnt much and enjoyed the event.
2015年9月15日中心與‘您的東昇’房屋協會攜手合辦‘糖尿病認知健康日’。是日先由坐椅運動開始,接着由中心主席余光漢致歡迎辭, 隨後分別由英國糖尿病協會(斯圖亞特·沃恩) 及曼城糖尿病中心的醫務員詳細講解糖尿病的各方面問題包括了:甚麼是‘糖尿病’?‘糖尿病及併發症、‘糖尿病及血壓’及糖尿腳問題’,由林姑娘即時傳譯給聽眾。一共有60人參加,其中43 位(72%)女仕, 17(28%)位男仕。33位(55%)來自曼域區及22位(37%)來自大曼城各區域。有5位(8%)没有提供資料。一共收集了38份評估。有20人(44%)接受NHS 健康檢查,16人(32%)接受糖尿病風險評估及16人(32%)接受度高、磅体重及量血壓。參與者的評語話健康日很有幫助並增加了對糖病的認知。是日凡被發現有高血壓、高膽固醇及高血糖人仕都轉介見家庭醫生及被告知有關健康飲食的資料。