Archives - 文章归档 July 2024


Cycle & Stride Project 19-07-2024

Category: Cycle & Stride | Author: Shirley He

Cycle & Stride Project 19-07-2024

This morning’s beautiful sunny weather attracted a group of 42 enthusiastic older adults from the local Chinese community in Manchester to take a walk-through Heaton Park. They enjoyed each other’s company, explored the scenic natural beauty, and breathed in the fresh air as they strolled along the path leading to a picturesque pond. The group took a light lunch break before heading back to the city centre on the tram.


Cycle & Stride Project

Category: Cycle & Stride, Older People Activities | Author: Shirley He

Cycle & Stride Project: Cycling on 13-07-2024

10 students followed their trainers on a cycling route that included the road, Ashton Canal including Ancoats-Islington-Miles Platting branch, then onto Clayton Vale Bike Trail.

On this sunny day, we cycled along beautiful rivers and canals, enjoying nature’s beauty and fresh air. It made everyone feel free and relaxed. Although there was a light drizzle and a few minor incidents along the way, it didn’t make the ride any less fun. The group thoroughly enjoyed the day! Chinese Health Information Centre (CHIC).

Cycle and Stride Project 13/07/2024

Bike Safety & Maintenance Training

Category: Cycle & Stride | Author: Shirley He

Cycle & Stride Project – Bike Safety & Maintenance Training on 13-07-2024

Last Saturday was unforgettable experience when 14 of us participated in bike safety and maintenance training. We learned how to perform bike safety checks and received practical demonstrations on changing and repairing a punctured tyre.


Cycle & Stride Project CHIC’s Walking Group

Category: Cycle & Stride, Older People Activities, Walking to Health | Author: Shirley He

With the sunny and warm weather, the Chinese Health Information Centre (CHIC) has organized two large-scale health walks, attracting older people from across Manchester.

The walk to Salford Quays attracted 56 participants, while the walk along the local canal paths in Ancoats and Islington attracted 50 participants. The group continues to grow, and beyond enjoying the walking, exploring nature, and the fresh air, participants find joy in being socially connected.

Health Walk on 12-07-2024 to Ashton Canal via Ancoats- Islington . 50 older people took part in the 1 hour stride with joy. Afterward they went to Chinatownn for a Dim Sum lunch and social gathering, conversing in their own language freely

They have the opportunity to meet people from the same cultural background and, most importantly, can converse in their own language.

The Cycle & Stride Project has given CHIC the opportunity to provide such age-friendly activities, allowing them to continue their beneficial work. This initiative helps a large number of older Chinese people in the Manchester area to stay active, mentally sharp, and socially connected.


CHIC 35th Anniversary Celebration & Charity Gala

Category: Fundraising | Author: Shirley He

2022-11-8 CHIC 35th Anniversary Celebration & Charity Gala, £20,000 raised

服务社群,永不言倦;感恩有你,一路同行 – 英国曼彻斯特华人医务咨询中心35周年庆典暨慈善联欢晚会成功举办

索尔福德市长Ann-Marie Humphreys议员及家人,斯托克港市长David Wilson议员及夫人,中国驻曼彻斯特总领事馆高连甲领事、任宇领事,英王大曼彻斯特副郡尉、曼城华人社团联合会会长任洁仪女士,曼城中国学联主席白雪博士出席活动并致辞。 北英格兰地区华人华侨,中资机构,留学生代表和英国当地各界人士逾200人参加了本次活动。

索尔福德市长Ann- Marie Humphreys议员首先热烈祝贺曼彻斯特华人医务咨询中心成立35周年,并代表索尔福德市感谢中心为大曼彻斯特华人社区提供了优秀的医疗健康服务。她同时高度赞扬中心近年来在慈善工作方面取得的成就,中心的慈善工作使许多当地华人,特别是曼彻斯特及其周边地区的老年华人受益并显著提高了他们的健康水平和生活质量。

斯托克港市长David Wilson议员在指出,中心提供适当的文化帮助和信息支持,以帮助有语言障碍的中国新老移民使用社会和NHS卫生系统。中心组织的各类活动让华人社区的成员保持活力、善于交际和保持联系。这对健康有积极的作用,在改善身体和社会心理健康方面更是如此,这是非常重要的,特别是在修复新冠大流行后的人比流行前不活跃的后果方面,



中心主席汤淑兰教授指出,在过去三十五年中,中心从一个由政府资助,到数年前成为一个自给自足的慈善机构,经历了很多风风雨雨,华人医务咨询中心作为服务社群35年的慈善机构,积极配合政府和华人社区的需要,在提供原有服务英文班, 医学名词班, 太极班,拉筋运动班,唱歌班等等的基础上,也为唐人街和曼城周边地区的华人服务对象提供了各种线上活动,同时积极开展多项新的健康活动,有脑健康计划-提升对‘痴呆症’的认识,健康表计划,单车活动,健康步行组,一对一电话关爱服务,长者茶话会,粤剧歌唱组,值得一提的是中心设立了‘自闭症’小组为孩子和家长提供辅导和服务,这些活动的开展对于因疫情而引起的身心健康具有特别的帮助和支持,中心能为华人社区提供这样的服务而感到欣慰。



晚会上,曼城智武国术会,曼城文化中心中文学校,曼城中医师合唱团,曼城英华合唱团代表表演了精彩的文艺节目。同时中心举行了慈善拍卖,各界捐助的中国字画,茶具,瓷器等屡创新高,最后由总领馆捐助的木雕被Warren 先生拍得,将拍卖活动推向高潮。本次慈善活动筹集善款20000英镑,所有善款将用于中心的日常运营,继续为曼彻斯特华人社区提供服务。



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