Community Health Promotion


Coronary Heart Disease Prevention

Category: Community Health Talk | Author: Shirley He

‘CHD Prevention’ health talk at CHIC on 08-05-2012, in total 25 attendees

This talk was aimed to promote coronary heart disease (CHD) awareness, prevent and reduce the incidence of CHD among the parents and adults from the Chinese community. Shirley He, the Nurse Operations Manager gave the talk in Cantonese. Shirley explained the causes, signs and symptoms, the risks factors of CHD and treatment of CHD. Healthy life style and a balanced diet were encouraged. Overall 25 people attended the talk.

Coronary Heart Disease Prevention

Coronary Heart Disease Prevention


Day Trip to Chatsworth House & Buxton

Category: Older People Activities | Author: Shirley He

4th May 2012, CHIC organized a Day Trip to Chatsworth House & Buxton for Chinese people over 65+. 53 people took part including 6 staff and volunteers.

Day Trip to Chatsworth House & Buxton

Chatsworth & Buxton Day Trip


Urological Diseases

Category: Community Health Talk | Author: Shirley He

On the 25th April 2012, a health talk about ‘Urological Diseases (including bladder and prostate Cancer)’ was held in Kwok Man Restaurant. Mr. Wai Man Chow, Consultant of Urology from North Manchester General Hospital, was invited to be the main speaker. He spoke in fluent Cantonese to explain in details the signs and symptoms, causes and treatment. Prevention of urological diseases including bladder and prostate cancer were also explained in great depth. The audience was very grateful for Mr. Chow who gave his variable time for the health talk.In total 48 people attended the talk.

27 (56%) females and 21 (44%) males attended. 19 (40%) people in the age group of 45-59, 10 (21%) people in the age group of 60-69, 12 (25%) people in the age 70 and over, 5 (10%) people in the age group of 26-44 and 1 (2%) person in the age group of 16-25 attended the talk. 1 (2%) person did not provide their details. There were 8 newcomers. The feedback from the community was very positive and encouraging.

Urological Disease

Urological Disease

Urological Disease

Appreciation Award was presented to Mr Wai Man Chow by Warren Yeung (the Chairman of CHIC).


Stress Management (Staff Training)

Category: Staff Training | Author: Shirley He

2012 Health Training for CHIC Staff, volunteers and community health interpreters.

Between April–September 2012, CHIC is running a series of health training including stress management and self-assertiveness workshops and health seminars including sexual health, hepatitis C and TB awareness, for staff, volunteers and community health interpreters. The main aims were to increase their health knowledge an raise their quality standard of work.

On 24th April 2012, a “Stress Management” workshop was delivered in English by Mark Greenwood. This workshop was to raise stress awareness and how to manage stress. Mark explained the cause, signs and symptoms along with methods how to manage depression. 11 people attended the workshop.

Stress Management


Diabetes Awareness

Category: Community Health Talk, Older People Activities | Author: Shirley He

‘Diabetes Awareness’ health talk was given in English by Joy Worth, Senior Dietician from Manchester Diabetes Centre on 19-04-2012 at Tung Sing Housing Association. CHIC provided the interpretation service. In total 53 people attended.

This talk was aimed to promote diabetes awareness among the Chinese community. Joy Worth, the Senior Dietician from Manchester Diabetes Centre gave the talk in English. She explained the causes, signs and symptoms, prevention and treatment of diabetes in English. Joy encouraged those who have diabetes to go for their regular checkups and be wary of their lifestyle.

The Nurse Operations Manager, Shirley He translated the talk in Cantonese for the audience.

Diabetes Awareness

Diabetes Awareness

Diabetes Awareness

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