Older People Activities

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Memory Lane Club

Category: Older People Activities | Author: Shirley He

In May 2014 a consultation took place with the aim to obtain the views of setting up a monthly ‘Memorizing Friendly Club’ which is now the Memory Lane Club at CHIC. The main aims are to enhance and improve memory and provide support to people with memory loss with an appropriate cultural environment. Initially 12 people had expressed an interest to take part among which one person with dementia. Their views were obtained including having the session once a month on a Wednesday afternoon, reminiscing old music, videos and Cantonese opera songs were preferred so they could sing karaoke. Telling and sharing life experience stories were encouraged in this session. So far the service has benefited 37 people. 65%, 24 people live in Manchester areas including City Centre, Rusholme and North Manchester. The other 35%, 13 people live in Greater Manchester including Stockport, Oldham and Salford. Over 65%, 24 people are age over 64. The service also provides a cultural social gathering for people to meet and to chat. We would like to thank Tung Sing for sponsoring us to purchase a karaoke machine for the group in 2014.

2014年5月8日中心安排一項磋商會,是想收集長者們的意見在中心成立一個‘記憶友誼會’。目的是為提供一個合符文化的環境給退智者的支援和改善他們的記憶力。有12 位長者參與磋商會;其中一位是患有痴呆症、一位是照料者、全部是女仕,他們的心聲表示是希望能夠每月有一次聚會、活動有:看懷舊電影、唱粤曲、聽音樂。播放的音樂中希望最好有卡拉OK的設施。2014年的友誼會定於六月五日星期四早上十一時開始。之後,改為每月的第一個星期三下午1時開始。不斷都有新人參予。目前為止有43人到過‘記憶友誼會’。63%(27人)住在曼城各區、37%(16人) 住在大曼城區。64%( 23人)年齡超過65歲。64%(17人) 年齡介乎51-64歲、7%(3人)年齡50歲以下。這個‘記憶友誼會’提供了一個很理想的社交聯誼的地方。我們在此鳴謝您的東昇房屋協會贊助一部卡拉OK機给這個小組。

Memory Lane Club


Day Trip to Blackpool

Category: Older People Activities, Walking to Health | Author: Shirley He

A joint event between CHIC and Yours Tung Sing for the older people to go for a day trip to Blackpool. 98 people (including Yours Tung Sing residents, CHIC’s users and staff) took a walk around the central pier of Blackpool and later travelled to shop in Boundary Mill. Though it was a bit chilly, everyone enjoyed their trip.

這此是由華人醫務中心與‘您的東昇’房屋合作為長者安排了去黑池一天遊。總共有98人(包括東昇居民,中心使用者及工作人員)參加。他們沿著黑池的中央碼頭漫步行,沿途邊說邊笑,很開心。雖然天氣有點寒冷,下午去了一個商塲(Boundary Mill) 購物,每個人都很享受這一天遊。

Day Trip to Blackpool

Day Trip to Blackpool



Category: Community Health Talk, Older People Activities | Author: Shirley He

‘Thalassaemia’ health talk on 9th June 2014, 14 people attended

This was the health promotional talk, jointly organized by CHIC and Tung Sing Housing Association at Faulkner Court on ‘Thalassemia’. Verna Davis – Nurse Manager of Manchester Thalassemia Centre was invited to be the main speaker. Verna explained in detail the formation of the thalassemia gene and explained the importance of having blood tests before marriage and pregnancy. The audience were very interested in this topic, they frequently asked questions particularly the causes of this condition and prevention methods. A Cantonese interpreter was provided by CHIC.


這是中心與東昇房屋協會携手合辦的專題講座, 名為‘地中海貧血症’ 。由曼城地中海貧血症護士經理-維娜.戴維斯用英文主講。維娜詳細講述地中海貧血症的基因形成及提醒預備結婚孕怀的男女須先去檢血。聽眾們都對此病症非常有興趣, 還經常發問問題, 尤其有關此病來由及預防方法。由華人醫務中心提供廣東話的翻譯員。




Dunham Massey Park

Category: Older People Activities, Walking to Health | Author: Shirley He

23rd May 2014 Trip to Dunham Massey Park, 46 people took part.

The event was jointly organized by the Tung Sing Housing Association and CHIC. Free packed lunch and garden entrance fee were provided. The participants thoroughly enjoyed walking through the beautiful garden in the rain. They were amazed to see so many beautiful species of trees, plants and flowers. The verbal feedback from them was very good that they claimed to have a marvellous time, they felt relaxed and they had enjoyed the companionship with others.


Dunham Massey Park


Day Trip to Bolton Market

Category: Older People Activities | Author: Shirley He

A group of 17 older people from the local Chinese community in Manchester visited the Bolton Market. They were fascinated by a wide range of fruits and vegetables that was on sale especially the fish store. On the day it was sunny and dry. They also took a good walk around the town centre. The feedback from them was very positive. They all enjoyed the day and had a wonderful time. The contribution from the volunteers was very much appreciated.

Day Trip to Bolton Market


Day Trip to Bolton Market

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