Older People Activities

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Dementia Awareness

Category: Community Health Talk, Older People Activities | Author: Shirley He

‘Dementia Awareness’ health talk was given in English by Lora Baron –Dementia Support Worker Manchester at Tung Sing Housing Association on 24th March 2014. Shirley He was the Cantonese interpreter. 10 people attended with interest. 2014年3月24日在東昇房屋協會舉辦“痴呆症的認知”健康講座,由曼城老人痴呆症支援員:羅娜.巴倫用英語講,有廣東話傳譯員提供, 一共有10人參加.



Home & Safety – 家居安全

Category: Community Health Talk, Older People Activities | Author: Shirley He

CHIC cooperated with Tung Sing Housing Association to organize a ‘Home Safety’ talk at Tung Sing. Shirley He was the main speaker. She talked in detail the common home accidents, causes, risks, consequences and prevention of accidents in Cantonese. Shirley stressed that the home must be kept clean and tidy to avoid accidents from happening. The elderly must be aware of the weather changes daily, wear suitable shoes, have a healthy diet and do exercises. Before leaving home, they must be aware to switch off their cooker and electrical to prevent home fire.


Home Safety


Bury Market Tour – 遊覽庇利市場

Category: Older People Activities | Author: Shirley He

Bury Market Tour on 15th January 2014

On Wednesday, 15th January 2014, CHIC arranged a short tour to Bury Market for the Chinese older people aged over 65. The afternoon was led by two staff members and they had fish and chips for lunch inside the Market. Then the elders walked around the Market, they were fascinated when they saw the many different kinds of seafood and fresh fish. The fish stall owner and his staff were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of the Chinese over buying fish. They not only gave the elders a warm friendly serving and unexpectedly they generously offered the elders free salmon heads and fish bones for making delicious soup; thus surprise the elders unexpectedly with joy, making the occasion unforgettable


華人醫務諮詢中心為70歲以上華人長者安排到庇利市場(Bury Market) 作人員先領長者們在街市亨用魚条午膳,之後在街市周圍逛逛,到了魚市場時長者們非常開心和特別著迷見到許多不同種類的海鮮和新鮮魚。魚檔老闆和他的工作人員看到中國人如此狂熱地購買魚,非常之感動。們不僅熱情招待長者們並特別優惠贈送三文魚頭和魚骨熬湯給長者們製作美味的湯,令長者們意外惊喜及留下深刻的印象。

Bury Market


Day Trip to Liverpool

Category: Older People Activities, Walking to Health | Author: Shirley He

Day Trip to Liverpool on 30th May 2013. The group was led by staff and volunteers. In total 51 older people took part .

2013年五月30日長者利物浦一天遊,是日由五位員工及義工們帶隊。先到美麗的海灣”New Brighton Island” 散步。午餐於Morrison 超市。下午參觀Albert Dock, 共五十一位長者參加。

Day Trip to Liverpool


Dental Health

Category: Community Health Talk, Older People Activities | Author: Shirley He

“Dental Health Promotion” health talk for Chinese Older People aged 60+ at the Tung Sing Housing Association on 19th June 2012. In total 30 attendees.

Caroline Hardman(Health Promotion Officer) from NHS Manchester, was the main speaker. She spoke in English to explain how to brush our teeth, what type of toothbrush that we all should use and the importance of choosing toothpaste with fluoride. She also encouraged the audience to go to their regular dental check-ups with their dentist and not to eat too much refined sugary foods. Shirley He, the Nurse Operations Manager of CHIC interpreted for the audience in Cantonese. In total 30 people attended the talk.

Dental Health

Dental Health

Dental Health

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